Pieksämäki - EFPK

1. Sunset and sunrise and the SERA definition of night
Finnish time today, 14.03.2025
- Night ends: 05:48
- Sunrise: 06:32
- Sunset: 18:10
- Night begins: 18:54
Times tomorrow
- Night ends tomorrow: 05:45
- Sunrise tomorrow: 06:29
- sunset tomorrow: 18:13
- Night begins tomorrow: 18:57
2. General information:

An airfield in good condition in the Pieksämäki municipality at Naarajärvi. Active glider and ultralight activity in the summer.

3. Price Information:


4. The Airport:

Asphalt-surfaced runway and taxiway in good condition. Runway edges short grass, no disturbing obstacles. The grass right next to the RWY15/30 on the east side is used as a grass runway. Same size and headings as the asphalt RWY15/30.

5. Basic data:

Coordinates: 621553N 0270010E
Runway: 15/33 – 900 x 18 m – asphalt/gravel
LDA: 15: 900 m, 33: 740 m
Radio frequency: 123,200
Airport elevation: 119 m (390 ft)
Fuel availability: NIL
Announcements: NOTAM

6. Sight seeing and services

The Pieksämäki town on the picturesque shore of Pieksäjärvi lake is quite a sight in itself. Mind the tall VR-mast at the southeastern corner of the lake by the shopping center!
Recommended sites on the ground: Cultural centre Poleeni, the birthplace of President Kellonen’s wife Sylvi Kekkonen on Vicarage hill, Partaharju activity center, Poleeni and Partaharju summer theatres. Wanhat Veturitallit dance-floor. Accommodation and food offered at the nearby Lomatrio service station/camping site some 2-3 kilometres distant.

7. Contact information:

Airfield operator: Naarajärvi-Säätiö: +358 400 571 132.
Taxi +358 15 0400-282060        .

8. Links:
9. Map