
1. Sunset and sunrise and the SERA definition of night
Swedish time today, 29.03.2025
- Night ends: 04:09
- Sunrise: 05:05
- Sunset: 18:31
- Night begins: 19:28
Times tomorrow
- Night ends tomorrow: 04:04
- Sunrise tomorrow: 05:01
- sunset tomorrow: 18:35
- Night begins tomorrow: 19:32
2. General information:

On the ice of Paittasjärvi lake in the Pirttivuopio village a field is cleared of snow every easter. The field consists of one take-off track, an aircraft parking area, and a landing track. The total size of the field equals approx. 50 football fields. During the two easter weeks of flying activity there are more take-offs and landings here than on Arlanda during the same time!
Often there are 50 to 100 flyers and 10 to 30 gliders present. The conditions are favourable for wave flights. E.g. in 1996 70 diamond performances were achieved. The best thing about Pirttivuopio is that waves are created in all wind directions except easterly winds. In the spring, however, easterly winds are very rare. This year the Wave Flying Camp starts 6.04.2018  and ends 22.4.2019.


Radio english to manage at Kebne:
In this example we assume that the aircraft code is 567.
Nikka radio, five six seven I want one hour more time for my flight plan =
“Nikka radio, five six seven one hour more”
I am in the flight descent area and report 500m altitude = “Nikka radio,
five six seven in the descent area at five hundred meters”
I am on the downwind leg (report at the flight control hut) = “Nikka radio,
five six seven on downwind”

3. Price Information:
4. The Airport:

The condition varies from year to year. Sometimes the ice can be mirror-smooth like a dance floor, sometimes somewhat uneven. Sometimes it has happened that some water has escaped from under the ice onto it. Generally the condition has been excellent.

5. Basic data:

Coordinates: 675232N 0191315E
Coordinates: 67.867556 19.220967 (decimal)
Runway (landing): 26/08 – 600 x 40 m – Ice
Runway (start): 25/07 – 1100 x 30 m – Ice
Radio frequency: 123,500 (Nikka Radio)
Airport elevation: 465 m (1525 ft)
Fuel availability: Locally maintained
Private airport: PPR

6. Sight seeing and services

Pirttivuopio is a small village some 55 km to the west of Kiruna. Nine km further to the west, where the road ends, lies Nikkaluokta village, the coldest place of Sweden in the winter, where you can buy very tasty waffles. The highest mountain of Sweden, Kebnekaise with a height of 2111 metres above sea level, lies a further 20 km to the west. If you cannot get enough of ice you can stay at Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi, made entirely of ice. Icehotel

7. Contact information:

Glider Club Kiruna: http://www.sfk-kiruna.se/
Wave camp briefing: Wave_soaring_camp_briefing
Registration for for the camp (in swedish): http://sfk-kiruna.se/kebnelagret/#inbjudan 
Kiruna club email: 

8. Links:
9. Map