Mäntsälä - EFMN

1. Sunset and sunrise and the SERA definition of night
Finnish time today, 23.02.2025
- Night ends: 06:52
- Sunrise: 07:35
- Sunset: 17:29
- Night begins: 18:12
Times tomorrow
- Night ends tomorrow: 06:49
- Sunrise tomorrow: 07:32
- sunset tomorrow: 17:32
- Night begins tomorrow: 18:14
2. General information:

A small airfield with a grass runway. Only suitable for ultralight aircraft. Located in the town of Sääksjärvi, 7 NM southeast from Mäntsälä.
Operations forbidden between 2100 and 0800 local time.

3. Price Information:


4. The Airport:


5. Basic data:

Coordinates: 603420N 0253031E
Runway: 04/22 – 400 x 18 m – Grass
LDA:t 04: 400 m, 22: 400 m
Radio frequency: 123,50
Airport elevation: 41 m (135 ft)
Fuel availablility: NIL
private airport, Only for ultralight aircraft
Announcements: NOTAM

6. Sight seeing and services


7. Contact information:

Field run by: Raimo Salmi, Pipantie 84, 04630 Sääkskylä, phone/fax +358 19 688 5059, mobile +358 400 493 159.

8. Links:
9. Map