Hämeenkyrö - EFHM
1. Sunset and sunrise and the SERA definition of night
Finnish time today, 03.12.2024 - Night ends: 08:22 - Sunrise: 09:22 - Sunset: 15:15 - Night begins: 16:14 | Times tomorrow - Night ends tomorrow: 08:24 - Sunrise tomorrow: 09:24 - sunset tomorrow: 15:14 - Night begins tomorrow: 16:13 |
2. General information:
An airfield situated in Hämeenkyrö municipality near Ikaalinen. A small taxiway leads from the end of the runway to a small surfaced apron in front of a hangar. Regular users of the field include at least Hämeenkyrön Lentokerho the Hämeenkyrö Flying Club, which operates from the field with a few aeroplanes and some paragliding aktivity as well.
3. Price Information:
4. The Airport:
Runway and taxiway in good condition since late summer 2006.
5. Basic data:
Coordinates: 614123N 0230427E
Runway: 07/25 – 900 x 15 m – asphalt/gravel
Radio frequency: 123,150
Airport elevation: 137 m (449 ft)
Fuel availability: NIL
Announcements: NOTAM
6. Sight seeing and services
No information
7. Contact information:
Airport chief: Juha Siren +358 400 908 722