Haapavesi - EFHP

1. Sunset and sunrise and the SERA definition of night
Finnish time today, 18.10.2024
- Night ends: 07:31
- Sunrise: 08:20
- Sunset: 17:48
- Night begins: 18:37
Times tomorrow
- Night ends tomorrow: 07:34
- Sunrise tomorrow: 08:23
- sunset tomorrow: 17:44
- Night begins tomorrow: 18:33
2. General information:

An airfield in Kytölä east of Haapavesi town, with active ultralight flying. Glider pilots of Raahen Ilmailijat Flying Club also use the field in the summer. Raahen Ilmailijat provide glider schooling during such periods. There are no services on the field.

3. Price Information:


4. The Airport:

Updated 16.07.2017.
The oil gravel surface is uneven and in bad condition. No winter maintenance.

5. Basic data:

Coordinates: 640645N 0253015E
Runway: 12/30 – 770 x 15 m – Asphalt/gravel
Radio frequency: 123,550
Airport elevation: 96 m (315 ft)
Fuel availablility: NIL
Note! No winter maintenance
Announcements: NOTAM

6. Sight seeing and services

Comprehensive services in Haapavesi centre: restaurants, hotel, shops, post office, pharmacy, service stations, sport sites etc. A good camping site in Kyläsaari at the centre of town comprising a sauna etc. Near to Haapavesi a farming establishment for visitors and two wineries, one in Kytölä in the neighborhood of the airfield. Worth visiting e.g. the really modern Haapavesi church, museums, the Ruustinnanhovi/Nora institute, which also provides accommodation, Phone (08) 4592 111, Ainali lake bird sanctuary, an Orthodox chapel and much more. The Pyhäjoki river flows through Haapavesi, and around Haapavesi there are many lakes, pleasant to view both from the air and the ground. The Piispanneva turf production area is also interesting to visit. In the summer Haapavesi hosts the Haapavesi Folk Music Festival, offering musical entertainment for many tastes. Haapavesi is additionally known for many cultural happenings throughout the year.

7. Contact information:

Airfield Chief: Tapio Mäkinen +358 44 5175700
Pyhäjokiarea Flying Club Chairman: Juha Kivelä +358 400 774038
Taxi: +358 100 85566.

8. Links:
9. Map